The process
The process
It all starts with a quality fleece - if the sheep isn't well looked after it will reflect in the quality of its fleece. A lovely whole fleece that has minimal vm is key!
I wash and card fleece for backing. I love Jacob wool for this as I feel it moulds so beautifully to the fleece you are about to turn into a rug.
I then split the colours into light and dark to back the appropriate coloured rug with dark colours or light colours. This isn’t a hugely important part but I enjoy the separation of colours
Wren, Rusty and Whizzy helping at a show.
wire racks to make my rugs on has been a very handy jack, I lay bubble wrap down on top of the wire and then I can spend time making sure the fleece to be rugged is laid out carefully.

Taking your time is key to this process and making sure every bit of the rug is laid out neatly. Then I add at least 2 or 3, layers of carded fleece backing on top. I use a nylon curtain to cover it while soaking it through with hot water and soap - I only use washing up liquid.
Then its down to lots of rubbing with my hands to firm it all up, adding more hot water and soap as needed. I can feel with my hands when it is firming up. When it is firm enough I roll the rug, alternating which way it lays when I am rolling it.
When I am happy with the firmest of the backing I start washing the whole fleece, giving it a good rinse. Once rinsed, air out to dry, once fully dry then brush out and fluff up leaving you with a beautiful rug made completely from wool